Our Projects

installation artwork by Mahmoud Hawary In cooperation with @cairophotoweek Supported by @jdv.talks While upper Egypt is seen as a society of POVERTY, IGNORANCE, DISEASE, and REVENGE, We hope to correct these MISCONCEPTIONS by representing the beauty of this land. It will also allow the audience to explore the connections between the current life of people in Upper Egypt and their ancestores: The Mighty Ancient Egyptians. The project also empowers the MEMBERS OF the upper Egypt SOCIETY. It is designed to make them MORE CONFIDENT and PROUD OF THEIR IDENTITY AND THEIR ROOTS. THE IMAGE is a tool of HUMAN COMMUNICATION. ANCIENT EGYPTIANS REALIZED THAT MORE THAN 7,000 YEARS AGO BY DEPICTING THEIR DAILY LIFE AND TRADITIONS ON THE WALLS OF THE TEMPLES.

Al-Marmah is the most popular game that brings the Arab tribes together in fair competition and preserves the friendship and love between the tribes.. This is a part of a whole series of ‘’ Al MERMAH , so you can see the whole project right now on our YouTube channel : Humans Of Upper Egypt

Al-Marmah is the most popular game that brings the Arab tribes together in fair competition and preserves the friendship and love between the tribes.. This is a part of a whole series of ‘’ Al MERMAH , so you can see the whole project right now on our YouTube channel : Humans Of Upper Egypt